池村 淑道
Toshimichi Ikemura
- 京都大学理学研究科物理学専攻博士課程修了
- 国立遺伝学研究所、総合研究大学院大学教授を経て同研究所・同大学院大学名誉教授
- 長浜バイオ大学コンピュータバイオサイエンス学科教授、学部長・研究科長を経て現職
- 日本遺伝学会賞・日本進化学会賞を受賞
- 研究の応用領域
- オリゴヌクレオチド核酸医薬のデザイン。環境からの有用遺伝子資源の情報学的探索。健康・長寿に係わるゲノム情報の解析。高機能計算機を用いたゲノム情報解析。インフルエンザを含むウイルスのゲノム情報解析。
- 産官学連携で求めるパートナー
- メタゲノム解析を用いた環境からの有用遺伝子探索に興味のある企業と研究機関。健康長寿に係わるゲノム情報の解析に興味のある企業と研究機関。ビッグデータに興味のある企業と研究機関。核酸医薬に興味のある企業と研究機関。
Our group has developed a bioinformatics tool “BLSOM (Batch-Learning Self-Organizing-Map)”, which can analyze more than one million genomic sequences simultaneously, and therefore, allow us to gain efficiently a wide range of knowledge from the big sequence data.
Efficient knowledge discovery from big sequence data
BLSOM with oligonucleotide (e.g. tetranucleotide) composition, which can cluster genomic sequence fragments (e.g. 1-kb sequences) according to phylotype by using only the oligonucleotide composition (Fig. 1), has been successfully applied to the phylogenetic classification of a large number of metagenomic sequences [3]. Oligonucleotides such as tetra – heptanucleotides often represent motif sequences responsible for sequence-specific protein binding (e.g. transcription factor binding). Occurrences of such motif oligonucleotides should differ from the occurrences expected from the mononucleotide composition in the respective genome and may differ among genomic portions within a single genome. Actually, we have recently found that a pentanucleotide-BLSOM for the human genome can detect characteristic enrichment of many transcription-factor-binding motifs in pericentric heterochromatin regions [1].
Influenza virus is one of zoonotic viruses and shows clear host tropism. Important issues for bioinformatics studies of influenza viruses are prediction of genomic sequence changes in the near future and surveillance of potentially hazardous strains. To characterize sequence changes in influenza virus genomes after invasion into humans from other animal hosts, we applied BLSOMs to analyses of oligonucleotide compositions in all genome sequences of influenza A and B viruses and found clear host-dependent clustering (self-organization) of the sequences [2,4]. Retrospective time-dependent directional changes of oligonucleotide compositions, which were visualized for human strains on BLSOMs, could provide predictive information about sequence changes in newly invaded viruses from other animal hosts (e.g. the swine-derived pandemic H1N1/09). The strong visualization power of BLSOM also provides surveillance strategies for efficiently detecting potential precursors to pandemic viruses.
Big data bioinformatics for designing therapeutic oligonucleotides for ebolavirus, HIV, and influenza virus diseases
RNA viruses, such as ebolavirus, HIV, and influenza viruses, present significant threats to public health, as highlighted by recent ebolavirus-outbreaks in West Africa. To overcome such threats, it is important to conduct interdisciplinary studies by introducing various new technologies including informatics suitable for big data analyses. We have recently applied the “oligonucleotide-BLSOM” for designing therapeutic oligonucleotides for ebolavirus, HIV, and influenza virus diseases. Since the BLSOM is a powerful strategy to unveil characteristics of oligonucleotide composition of each genome and its fragments (i.e. genome signature), we can design candidates for the therapeutic oligonucleotide usable for antisense RNAs and siRNAs for these viruses that should have the least of f -target side effect.
Wada K., Wada Y., Iwasaki Y. and Ikemura T. Time-series oligonucleotide count to assign antiviral siRNAs with long utility fit in the big data era. Gene Therapy. 24, 668-673 (2017)
Iwasaki Y., Wada K., Wada Y., Abe T. and Ikemura T. Notable clustering of transcription-factor-binding motifs in human pericentric regions and its biological significance. Chromosome Res. 5, 461-474 (2013).
Iwasaki Y., Abe T., Wada K., Wada Y. and Ikemura T., Nobel bioinformatics strategies for prediction of directional sequence changes in influenza virus genomes and for surveillance of potentially hazardous strains, BMC Infec Dis. 21, 386 (2013)
Nakao R., Abe T., Nijhof A. M., Yamamoto S., Jongejan F., Ikemura T. and Sugimoto C., A novel approach, based on BLSOMs (Batch Learning Self-Organizing Maps), to the microbiome analysis of ticks. ISME J. 7, 1003-1015 (2013).
Iwasaki Y., Abe T., Wada K., Itoh M. and Ikemura T., Prediction of directional changes of influenza A virus genome sequences with emphasis on pandemic H1N1/09 as a model case. DNA Res., 18, 125-136 (2011).