
坂井 伸彰

坂井 伸彰

坂井 伸彰
Nobuaki Sakai



  • 関西大学大学院総合情報学研究科 博士課程満期退学
  • 松下電器産業(現、パナソニック)株式会社、明治大学、名古屋大学国際教育交流センター特任講師、同大学学生支援センターキャリアサポート室長・准教授を経て本学へ







厚生労働省(2020)「外国人留学生の国内就職の現状」https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/11655000/000689552.pdf (2021年4月23日確認)
経済産業省貿易経済協力局(2018)「高度外国人材活躍企業50社」https://www.meti.go.jp/press/2018/05/20180525002/20180525002-1.pdf (2021年4月23日確認)




 日本国内の大学では,グローバル人材育成の観点から,文化的背景の異なる者同士が学び合う教育実践が注目されています。このような教育実践は「国際共修」と呼ばれ,「言語や文化背景の異なる学習者同士が,意味ある交流(Meaningful Interaction)を通して多様な考え方を共有・理解・受容し,自己を再解釈する中で新しい価値観を創造する学習体験」(末松,2019)と定義付けられています。その一方,国内大学における国際共修は正課科目を中心に導入されていますが,その歴史は浅く,体系的な教授法が確立されておらず,研究としての要素に欠ける実践報告が散見されます。近年は,外国人留学生による(あるいは外国人留学生と日本人学生との協働による)企業との課題解決学習の実践事例も報告されていますが,留学生だけが学ぶのではなく,企業側の人材と共に学ぶことを目指した国際共修の実践研究は皆無に等しいのが現状です。


参照:末松和子(2019).「国際共修の検証──文献リサーチを通して見えてくるもの──」.日本学生支援機構ウェブマガジン『留学交流』, 95, 1-12.

We are continuing to conduct research focusing on international students studying in Japan and non-Japanese employees working in Japan.

Challenges in the Recruitment and Training of International Students at Japanese Companies

We are analyzing case studies and conducting research on the issues that Japanese companies face when recruiting and training international students.
As part of the Japan Revitalization Strategy 2016, the government aims to increase the number of international students studying at higher education institutions in Japan who are subsequently employed in the country to 50%. At the same time, while more than 60% of international students wish to find employment in Japan, the actual proportion of those who succeed in doing so was only about 30% in 2016.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry provides examples of Japanese companies that are focusing on recruiting and training non-Japanese people. The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry also provides the following advantages for Japanese companies that recruit international personnel, such as international students: “the expansion of the business overseas and the acquisition of new customers,” “the development of service provision and products from the perspective of non-Japanese personnel,” “the construction of new business models,” and “the changing of employee thinking.”

Furthermore, in fiscal year 2016, our questionnaire survey of 136 companies with bases in the Tokai region showed that only 10% of all companies were actively recruiting international students and similar groups. Companies that do recruit non-Japanese workers have found that they highly appreciate the international workers’ diversity of perspectives and language skills that come from their international backgrounds, assertiveness cultivated through their experience in studying abroad in Japan, and willingness to absorb knowledge and other things. However, companies that are reluctant to recruit non-Japanese personnel experience challenges such as inadequate systems, a lack of understanding within the company and from their business partners, and a lack of language skills among employees. In addition, there are also signs that international students’ views on employment do not match companies’ recruitment policies.

Based on these findings, we are currently conducting surveys and analyses of case studies of Japanese companies with currently active and firmly established non-Japanese employees. We are conducting interviews with non-Japanese employees, superiors, senior employees, and personnel managers at their workplaces. We are also conducting research to promote diversity inclusion among domestic companies and determining which personnel measures and workplace environments are required by non-Japanese employees.

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (2020) “The Current Status of Employment of Foreign Students in Japan”
https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/11655000/000689552.pdf (Accessed on April 23, 2021)
The Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2018) “50 Enterprises Advanced in their Recruitment of Non-Japanese Personnel”
https://www.meti.go.jp/press/2018/05/20180525002/20180525002-1.pdf (Accessed on April 23, 2021)

Examining the Design of a Learning Environment Aimed at Facilitating Collaborative International Learning between International Students and Business Persons Working in Japan

From the perspective of global human resource development, universities in Japan are focusing on educational practices in which people from different cultural backgrounds learn from each other. These educational practices are called “collaborative international learning” and are defined as “learning experiences where learners with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds share, understand, and accept diverse concepts through meaningful interactions, creating new values while reinterpreting the self (Suematsu, 2019).” However, while collaborative international learning at universities in Japan has been introduced primarily in regular classes, its historically shallow systematic teaching methods have not been established. There are practice reports that lack elements of research. In recent years, there have been practice reports on case studies of problem-solving-based learning involving companies and international students (or collaboration between international students and Japanese students), but there has been no practical research on collaborative international learning with an aim that international students will learn and the company will learn in tandem with the students.

Based on this foundation, we are conducting practical research focusing on workshops as a form of learning in order to clarify the guidelines needed to conduct educational activities aimed at collaborative international learning between international students and business personnel. Specifically, we are conducting case studies focusing on points of concern in the operation of workshops, such as 1) visual devices that make it easier for participants to speak, 2) designing teams that allow participants to acknowledge each other regardless of their rank vis-a-vis their superiors, 3) building programs that deepen participants’ understanding of other participants without being bound by limited expectations or fixed ideas, and 4) developing facilitators that can organize relevant issues regardless of rank.

Kazuko Suematsu (2019) “Validating Collaborative International Learning -What Can Be Seen in Research into the Literature,” Online Magazine of the Japan Student Services Organization, “Ryugaku Koryu” No. 95 pp. 1-12.

  1. 坂井 伸彰(2021). 英語プログラムを含めた留学生支援体制の検討―留学生の進路・生活相談アンケートを基に―,名古屋大学国際教育交流センター紀要,8,17-26

  2. 坂井 伸彰(2020). 外国人留学生と日本で働くビジネスパーソンとの国際共修を目指したワークショップのデザインの検討, 留学生教育, 25, 61-69

  3. 坂井 伸彰 (2018). 企業価値を高める 外国人留学生の採用のポイント, 賃金事情, 2771, 46-51

  4. 坂井 伸彰 (2018). 日本企業における留学生採用の現状と課題, 留学交流, 84, 1 – 14

  5. 坂井 伸彰(2017). 「国際人材の採用に関するアンケート」調査報告 ―日本企業における外国人留学生等の国際学生の採用活動―, 名古屋大学国際教育交流センター紀要, 4, 15–26