大島 淳
Atsushi Ohshima
- 京都大学大学院農学研究科修士課程修了
- 宝酒造㈱研究員、遺伝子解析センター長、大阪大学微生物病研究所非常勤講師を歴任
HHV6 新規抗ウイルス剤の研究開発
- 研究の応用領域
- 医薬品、化粧品、バイオセキュリティー分野、エネルギー分野、環境分野 等々
- 産官学連携で求めるパートナー
- 抗ウイルス剤に興味を持っている臨床研究者、バイオエタノールの生産に興味のある企業、DNAを使ったセキュリティーに興味のある印刷会社やインク製造会社 等々
2nd Generation of Bio-Security DNA Ink
Recently, because of its extremely accurate, powerful and secure capability, DNA based authentication and identification technology find its applications not only in the field of human identification but also in all kinds of product authentication.
Unlike living organisms, DNA does not exist in manufactured product, but we can use the trick of chemical DNA synthesis where we can design a unique and specific DNA sequence. This artificially synthesized DNA with its own specific DNA sequence can be mixed with normal ink, and now is called DNA Ink. The DNA Ink, invisible or visible, is then embedded in any printing materials as invisible identification marker, covert authentication or product label, overt authentication which thus can prevent us from fakes.
However, there exists one big problem in the current technology. That is it takes at least 2~3 days just to determine or read the DNA sequence directly from any printing materials on DNA Reading Machine called DNA sequencer.
So therefore, if we can finish the authentication process, namely; the DNA sequence determination hidden in DNA Ink within a matter of 10 minutes, and on site, we have our fingers crossed that remarkable activity can be played in authentication and identification market. This technology which can be used by anyone, anywhere and anytime is called 2nd Generation Bio-Security DNA Ink, and differentiate it from conventional one.
大島淳(分担執筆)「鏡」第1章“DNAはウソをつかない”、2015年3月1日初版第1刷発行、pp11-27, 武庫川女子大学出版会
大島淳、総説“DNAはウソをつかない”、DNA鑑定、Vol.6, 2014、pp1-15, DNA鑑定学会誌
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