
和田 修一


和田 修一(わだ・しゅういち)
Shuichi Wada

研究キーワード/ストレス応答 発生 多様性


  • 東京都立大学大学院理学研究科博士課程修了
  • 独立行政法人科学技術振興機構戦略的創造研究推進事業研究員を経て本学へ



我々の研究の目標は、動物の発生とストレス応答に関わる分子メカニズムの多様性を理解することである。そのために、我々はホヤ(Cionaintestinalis)とプラナリア(Schmidtea mediterranea)を始めとする様々な無脊椎動物を用いて、以下のプロジェクトを行っている:(1)プラナリアの低酸素応答メカニズムの解明;(2)UspAファミリー遺伝子の解析;(3)ホヤの発生におけるヒストン修飾酵素の役割の解明;(4)ホヤの発生に対するPAH 類の影響の解析。これらに加えて、琵琶湖やその周辺に生息する動物の遺伝的多様性の研究も行っている。




UspAファミリーは、機能未知のストレス応答関連遺伝子のグループである。UspA ファミリー遺伝子は、真正細菌、古細菌、真核生物に共有される古い起源の遺伝子である。ところが、動物界の中では不均一に分布し、ホヤ、らせん卵割動物、刺胞動物には存在するが、ホヤ以外の脊索動物と脱皮動物には存在しない。そこで我々はホヤ、プラナリア、マガキ、ミミズ、ヒドラなどの動物を用いて、動物界におけるUspAファミリー遺伝子の性質を調べている。



(4)ホヤの発生に対するPAH 類の影響の解析


研究の応用領域 産官学連携で求めるパートナー
動物のストレス応答の解析、ヒストン修飾の制御方法の開発、PAH 類の毒性評価など 研究成果に基づいた実用化の可能性を共に探求できる大学、公的研究機関、企業など
Topics of research

The aim of our research is to understand the diversity of molecular mechanisms involved in animal development and stress response. To that end, we are conducting the following projects using various invertebrates including the ascidian Ciona intestinalis and the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea: (1) Elucidation of hypoxia response mechanism in planarians; (2) Analysis of UspA family genes; (3) Elucidation of the role of histone modifying enzymes during ascidian development; (4) Analysis of influence of PAHs on ascidian development. In addition to these, we are also studying the genetic diversity of animals living in the Lake Biwa and its surrounding areas.

(1) Elucidation of hypoxia response mechanism in planarians

Generally, when animals become hypoxic, the transcription factor HIF1 works to activate the expression of genes necessary for adaptation to hypoxia. This mechanism of hypoxic response is widely conserved in the animal kingdom, but HIF1 and its regulatory factors do not exist in the phylum Platyhelminthes. Therefore, we are trying to unveil a mechanism responsible for hypoxia response in planarians.

(2) Analysis of UspA family genes

The UspA family is a group of stress response-related genes whose function is unknown. UspA family genes are genes of old origin that are shared by Eubacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes. However, UspA family genes are unevenly distributed in the animal kingdom. They exist in ascidians, spiralians, cnidarians and sponges, but not in chordates other than ascidians and ecdysozoans. We are investigating the nature of UspA family genes in the animal kingdom using animals such as ascidians, planarians, bivalves, earthworms, hydras and so on.

(3) Elucidation of the role of histone modifying enzymes during ascidian development

Modification of histones plays an important role in the regulation of gene expression, but its role in development is largely unclear. Therefore, we are investigating the function of histone modifying enzymes in the development of the ascidian C. intestinalis.

(4) Analysis of influence of PAHs on ascidian development

PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) are compounds generated in association with the combustion of fossil fuels. Because some PAHs have mutagenic and/or carcinogenic properties, PAHs have been studied as environmental pollutants. The influence of PAHs on vertebrates has been well studied, but few studies investigate the effect on invertebrates. Therefore, we are investigating the toxic effects of PAHs on C. intestinalis embryos and the mechanism of their toxicity.

  1. T. Fujikawa, T. Munakata, S. Kondo, N. Satoh and S. Wada. Stress response in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis: transcriptional profiling of genes for the heat shock protein 70 chaperone system under heat stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Cell Stress Chaperones, 15, 193-204 (2010).
  2. S. Wada, M. Hamada, K. Kobayashi and N. Satoh. Novel genes involved in canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in early Ciona intestinalis embryos. Dev. Growth Differ., 50, 215-227 (2008).
  3. Y. Satou, S. Wada, Y. Sasakura and N. Satoh. Regulatory genes in the ancestral chordate genomes. Dev. Genes Evol., 218, 715-721 (2008).
  4. M. Hamada, S. Wada, K. Kobayashi and N. Satoh. Novel genes involved in Ciona intestinalis embryogenesis: characterization of gene knockdown embryos. Dev. Dyn., 236, 1820-1831 (2007).
  5. S. Wada, M. Hamada and N. Satoh. A genomewide analysis of genes for the heat shock protein 70 chaperone system in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Cell Stress Chaperones, 11, 23-33 (2006).