

日 時:2014年9月26日(金)15時20分~17時20分
場 所:命北館4F 中講義室6

 第109回バイオセミナーは、永井信夫先生のホストにより、ホルモン研究でご活躍中の東京大学大学院・坪井貴司先生、及び、神経可塑性に係る細胞機能に関する研究でご活躍のUniversity of Exeter(英国)のRobert Pawlak先生のお二人にお越しいただき、1時間ずつご講演いただきます。

講 師:東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域科学専攻生命環境科学系 准教授
       坪井 貴司 先生

テーマ2:The role of amygdala extracellular proteases in controlling anxiety and fear
講 師: Professor  Robert  Pawlak
    (Department of Functional Cell Biology, Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Exeter)
  Stress can trigger maladaptive neuronal plasticity and lead to high anxiety. Anxiety disorders affect about 25% of adults at least once in their lives and generate an enormous personal, social and economic burden.
  Extracellular proteases such as the tissue plasminogen activator, plasmin or neuropsin are uniquely poised to remodel the neuron-extracellular matrix interface and facilitate fear and anxiety. Two important groups of molecules that are subject to modulation by extracellular proteases are Eph-receptor tyrosine kinases and protease-activated receptors, such as PAR-1.
  We found that neuropsin promotes stress-related anxiety in the amygdala by increasing the dynamics of EphB2/NMDA interaction that drives the expression of an anxiety-related gene, Fkbp5. Consistent with this finding neuropsin-deficient mice do not show stress-related EphB2 cleavage, induction of the Fkbp5 gene and stress-induced anxiety.
  On the other hand we found, that PAR-1 can either promote fear or protect from it depending on the previous "emotional history" of an animal by dynamically switching its coupling to distinct G-protein coupling partners.
  Our findings establish novel neuronal mechanisms linking stress-induced proteolysis in the amygdala to anxiety. These novel pathways open new possibilities for treatment of stress-associated disorders, including various forms of anxiety disorders.