小倉 淳
Atsushi Ogura
- 総合研究大学院大学博士課程修了
- JSPS特別研究員(PD)、 国立遺伝学研究所特任助教、 お茶の水女子大学特任助教,、徳島大学講師を経て本学へ
- 選択的スプライシングの種間比較から迫る眼・脳神経系の進化
- 合成生物学・情報生物学によるクロレラ-ゾウリムシ共生システムの解明
- 新規医療用生物由来接着剤の開発とその生物学的獲得機構の解明
- 病気になる前の状態(未病)を発見するシングルセルトランスクリプトーム解析
- 研究の応用領域
- ゲノム解析技術を用いたゲノム医療・環境ゲノム
- 産官学連携で求めるパートナー
- 遺伝子資源探索およびその手法開発の関連企業・研究機関
To understand the species diversity and its evolutionary mechanism, we are focusing on the following topics:
Evolution of eye and central nervous system
The evolutionary study of eyes and brains aims not only at determining the evolution of the particular organs but also at understanding the role of the organs in the species evolution. There is a shared developmental process and a common gene regulatory network.
Evolution of adhesive molecules in various animals
Many organisms use glues. Biological adhesives can vary widely in structure and capabilities and often perform in ways that differ greatly from man-made adhesives. Studying biological adhesives can reveal their diversity and their function in nature.
Evolution of early stage of secondary symbiosis
Protists often retain symbionts such as algae. This phenomenon is key to understand the reason why photosynthetic organisms appear in deferent kinds of phyla.
*Yonezawa K., Nakata K., Minei R., *Ogura A. “DASE2: Differential Alternative Splicing variants Estimation method without reference genome, and comparison with mapping strategy”, 2017, IJDMB
*Komiyama T., Lin M., *Ogura A. “aCGH Analysis to Estimate Genetic Variations among Domesticated Chickens”, 2016, BioMed Research International, 1794329
Kamijo A., Yura K., *Ogura A. “Distinct evolutionary rate in the eye field transcription factors found by estimation of ancestral protein structure” 2015, Gene, 555:2, 73–79
Yoshida M., Yura K., *Ogura A. “Cephalopod eye evolution was modulated by the acquisition of Pax-6 splicing variants”, 2014, Scientific Reports, 4:4256
*Ogura A., Yoshida M., Moritaki T., Okuda Y., Sese J., Shimizu KK., Sousounis K., *Tsonis PA. “Loss of the six3/6 controlling pathways might have resulted in pinhole-eye evolution in Nautilus” 2013, Scientific Reports 3:1432