今村(陣田) 綾(いまむら(じんだ)・あや)
Aya Imamura-Jinda
- 名古屋大学大学院生命農学研究科博士課程修了
- 日本学術振興会特別研究員を経て本学へ
(1)植物ホルモン" サイトカイニン” の情報伝達と生理作用の解析
(2) イネの環境変化に応答した形態形成制御の解析
(3) 穀物植物の貯蔵機能の解析
植物がもつ種々の植物ホルモンの中でサイトカイニンとオーキシンは植物成長過程の広範囲にわたり生理活性調節を担う植物必須のホルモンであることは広く知られている。植物は環境変化によって生じるシグナルを感知すると受容体がそれをうけとり、その情報が細胞内に伝達されると遺伝子の転写などの細胞内プロセスを変化させる。このような植物の反応を引き起こす環境因子をシグナルとよぶが、様々な環境シグナルに応答して個々の植物ホルモンはどのように産生されて受容体に結合し、どのような伝達系路で細胞内プロセスを変化させ、その結果形態変化が引き起こされるのか不明な点はまだ多い。このうち、サイトカイニンの情報伝達は“His-Aspリン酸リレー情報伝達機構”によって行われておりヒスチジンキナーゼ(HK)がサイトカイニンの受容体として機能し、その情報は仲介因子HPt因子群、そして転写因子レスポンスレギュレーター(RR)群へと伝達され、RR の転写活性により標的遺伝子群が発現するというモデルが示されている。わたしは特にイネ穀物植物に注目して、塩、低温、乾燥、光などの環境変化とサイトカイニンによって調節される植物成長制御や環境変化への応答の具体的なしくみを、このHis-Aspリン酸リレー情報伝達機構の構成因子の機能解析から明らかにしたいと考えている。そして、地球温暖化に伴う環境変化に適応できるイネ開発に繋げたいと考えている。
研究の応用領域 | 産官学連携で求めるパートナー |
植物品種改良 植物育種の技術開発 |
植物の分子遺伝学、生理学、生化学分野の基礎研究者 植物育種の技術開発に携わる従事者・団体・企業 |
Topics of research
main theme:
(1)Characterization of phytohormon, cytokinin signal transduction system and physiological functions of cytokinin
(2)Regulation of the growth and development of Oryza sativa in response to environment stress
(3)Mechanism of a storage system of cereal plant.
Various plant hormones (phytohormone) are widely used regulating plant physiological process and development process which is essential to survive on the germinated place. When a signal which is generated in response to an environmental change, is sensed by the specific receptor, this is transduced inside cells in order to amplify the intracellular signal and trigger the cellular responses such as genes expressions. In these processes, there are still many questions about how the phytohormone is produced and received by specific receptor in response to environmental signals and how the intracellular signals are transduced. I have interests with Cytokinin signaling,"His-Asp phosphorelay signal transduction system" and its effects in higher plant, Oryza sativa. As for cytokinin, Histidine Kinase were identified and characterized as cytokinin receptors in model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. And this signal transduction system is composed of 3 kinds of factor which are Histidine kinase receptor, a signal mediating factor Histidine-containing phosphotransfer (Hpt) protein and Response Regulator (HK-HPt-RR). As a result of signal transduction, targeted some genes are expressed. I have been interested in the cytokinin-regulated specific molecular mechanism of this signal transduction in respond to some environmental stress such a salt, a low temperature, a drought or light signals. And I believe this research will bring the hint to develop cereal plants adaptability against coming environmental changes.
- Harauchi, Y., Kajimoto, T., Ohta, E., Kawachi, H., Imamura-Jinda, A. and Ohta, S., Prenylated purine alkaloids from seeds of Gleditsia japonica Phytochemistry 143 (2017) 145-150
- Nakagawa, U., Suzuki, D., Ishikawa, M., Sato, H., Kamemura, K. and Imamura, A., Acetylation of a-Tubulin on Lys40 Is a Widespread Post-Translational Modif ication in Angiosperms Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem, 77(7), 1602-1605 (2013)
- Nakagawa, U., Kamemura, K. and Imamura, A., Regulated Changes in the Acetylation of a-Tubulin on Lys40 during Growth and Organ Development in Fast Plants, Brassica rapa L. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem, 77(11), 2228-2233 (2013)
- Yokoyama, A., Yamashino,T., Amano, Y. Tajima, Y., Imamura, A., Sakakibara, H. and Mizuno, T., Type-B ARR transcription factors, ARR10 and ARR12, are implicated in cytokinin-mediated regulation of protoxylem dif f erentiation in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol., 48(1), 84-96 (2007)
- Tajima, Y., Imamura, A., Kiba, T., Amano, Y., Yamashino, T. and Mizuno., T., Comparative studies on the type-B response regulators revealing their distinctive properties in the His-to-Asp phosphorelay signal transduction of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol., 45, 28-39 (2004)
- Imamura, A., Kiba, T., Tajima, Y., Yamashino, T. and Mizuno, T., In Vivo and In Vitro Characterization of the ARR11 Response Regulator Implicated in the His-to-Asp Phosphorelay Signal Transduction in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol., 44(2):122-131(2003)