

第124回バイオセミナーは、蔡晃植先生のご紹介で、University of California, DavisのDr. R. L. Rodriguezにお話しいただけることになりました。Dr. Rodriguezは、pBR322という遺伝子組換え植物の作成になくてはならないベクター作成し、また、大腸菌の遺伝子組換えに世界で初めて成功されています。


日 時 2015年12月7日(月)15:20~16:40

会 場 命北館4F 中講義室⑤

演 者 Raymond L. Rodriguez, Ph.D.
(Professor, University of California, Davis  奈良先端科学技術大学院大学・名誉博士)

演 題 「Synthetic Biology and Its Impact on the Future of Biotechnology」

In the broadest sense, biotechnology can be defined as the biotransformation of raw materials into high value products for the good of society. Synthetic biology seeks to extend this approach to include engineering, computation and the redesign of biological systems and organisms (i.e., regenesis). Like biotechnology, the goals of synthetic biology are to generate new chemicals, improve human health and address environmental issues. Early on, synthetic biology drew upon the guiding principles of biotechnology while today, biotechnology benefits from the innovative strategies and technologies of synthetic biology. These strategies include, method design, innovation by design, the use of standardized biological parts, and abstraction of biological systems. The impact of synthetic biology on the future of biotechnology and its bioethical implications for society will be discussed.